How To Exchange Crypto In Exodus Wallet?
Here’s how you can exchange crypto with Exodus using your computer or mobile device. Our article will explain how to exchange crypto in Exodus wallet with the exact steps you have to follow. But before starting this blog we will tell you about Exodus wallet and its features.
Exodus Wallet: In Exodus’ multi-currency wallet, you can store and manage more than one hundred cryptocurrencies. Exodus is a wallet that focuses its design on people who are starting out with cryptos. designed for desktop computers, Exodus is now available on iOS and Android mobile devices. It’s developers have spent considerable time and effort for improving its usability. So users will enjoy its easy-to-use interface. It is one of the most popular features of Exodus in that it supports alternative coins along with Bitcoin. Users can also exchange cryptocurrencies without registering with the wallet.
Swap crypto in Exodus Wallet on Desktop:

Here are some steps that you need to follow to exchange crypto in Exodus wallet
- Click the exchange tab at the top of the “Exodus” website on your PC.
- A portfolio can be shown or hidden by clicking Show / Hide Portfolios if you have many portfolios in the wallet.
- The portfolios for each asset in each exchange pair can be selected if you select a) Show Portfolios.
- You can choose the asset that you want to exchange by clicking on the top drop-down menu and choosing the asset. You want to receive by clicking on the bottom drop-down menu.
- Now that you have entered the amount of cryptocurrency you are looking to exchange, you can exchange it in a few different ways.
- As soon as you have selected an amount, you will be able to see the network fee to send your asset to the exchange.
- Once you are ok with the amount of crypto you will send and receive, along with the network fee, click on the Exchange button!
- It is very important that you do not close your wallet while the screen shows Starting your Exchange… otherwise, your exchange will not finish initiating.
Now your transaction has been done, these are the 8 simple steps to be followed to exchange crypto in Exodus wallet.
Swap Crypto in Exodus Wallet on Mobile:

Here are some steps that you need to follow to exchange crypto in Exodus wallet
- Open Exodus wallet on your mobile phone whether it is an app or a website, then click on the exchange button at the bottom.
- Choosing an asset to swap and choosing an asset to receive is as simple as selecting the asset from the drop-down menu at the top.
- Now, enter the amount of crypto you want to exchange. You have a few ways to do this.
- An icon showing the asset used to pay the fee will appear along with the network fee in USD. Tap this to see the fee that is associated with that asset.
- At the bottom of the page. You should see the Exchange Now button once you have decided how much crypto you will be sending and receiving in your exchange.
- When you see the screen Starting, do not close your wallet to keep your exchange from completing.
After all these steps your transaction has been done. So, these are 6 simple steps to be followed to exchange crypto in Exodus wallet.
Features of Exodus wallet

Here are some amazing features of the Exodus wallet that you need to know to understand about this wallet.
1. User-Friendly Interface: The best thing about the Exodus wallet is the user interface. It is very easy to use, and if you are a beginner, this wallet is perfect for you because it is designed for beginners who are entering the crypto world. So, you can start with the Exodus wallet.
2. Fees Structure: Any Exodus Wallet transaction is charged a standard network fee. While the Exodus Wallet doesn’t charge any fees, it does profit from the spread between third-party exchanges on the bid and asks for prices of assets.
3. Get Customer Customer Support for Exodus Wallet: Exodus provides 24/7 customer support and their average customer response time is less than 10 minutes for the majority of queries. Contact Exodus Customer Support advisor they are always ready to solve their customer queries so that their customers can use their wallets without hassle.
4. Security: Exodus is a non-custodial wallet, which means your private keys are encrypted and stored on an internal server rather than an external one. It is so important to maintain your computer’s security by installing good anti-malware software. Users should also make use of the wallet’s backup and recovery features to avoid downloading strange files that may put their assets at risk. With these, you can regain access to your funds in the event of a lost or damaged device.
5. Anonymity: Exodus requires no non-public records for pockets creation. So, customers stay nameless in this regard. It is likewise proper to be aware that Exodus pockets now no longer offer blockchain anonymity. In different words, customers have their public keys seen by everyone. This is but the case for all wallets the use of public ledgers.
These are the amazing benefits and features of the Exodus wallet. As this wallet is actually amazing because of its simple and easy-to-use interface.
Conclusion: As we’ve discussed in this blog how to exchange crypto in Exodus wallet and we’ve shared the complete process for desktop and mobile phones as well. This blog would definitely help you to exchange your crypto assets in the Exodus wallet. Hope you like this article because we’ve explained everything about Exodus wallet. We also shared the features and benefits of the exodus wallet. Which would actually help to understand whether this wallet is actually good or not.
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